
题目 难度
Reverse Integer 简单
Integer to Roman 中等
Roman to Integer 简单
Divide Two Integers 中等
Multiply Strings 中等
Pow(x, n) 中等
Permutation Sequence 中等
Valid Number 困难
Plus One 简单
Add Binary 简单
Sqrt(x) 简单
Max Points on a Line 困难
Power of Two 简单
Integer to English Words 困难
Self Crossing 困难
Count Numbers with Unique Digits 中等
Super Pow 中等
Rotate Function 中等
Integer Replacement 中等
Nth Digit 简单
Encode and Decode TinyURL 中等
Arithmetic Slices 中等
Arranging Coins 简单
Add Strings 简单
Reconstruct Original Digits from English 中等
Minimum Moves to Equal Array Elements 简单
Minimum Moves to Equal Array Elements II 中等
Maximum Product of Three Numbers 简单
Continuous Subarray Sum 中等
Smallest Good Base 困难
Perfect Number 简单
Super Washing Machines 困难
Complex Number Multiplication 中等
Optimal Division 中等
Valid Square 中等
Fraction Addition and Subtraction 中等
Range Addition II 简单
Sum of Square Numbers 简单
Solve the Equation 中等
Set Mismatch 简单
Maximum Swap 中等
Bulb Switcher II 中等
Self Dividing Numbers 简单
Cracking the Safe 困难
Reach a Number 中等
Global and Local Inversions 中等
Reaching Points 困难
Transform to Chessboard 困难
Rabbits in Forest 中等
Escape The Ghosts 中等
Valid Tic-Tac-Toe State 中等
Chalkboard XOR Game 困难
Largest Triangle Area 简单
String to Integer (atoi) 中等
Consecutive Numbers Sum 中等
Fraction to Recurring Decimal 中等
Excel Sheet Column Title 简单
Excel Sheet Column Number 简单
Factorial Trailing Zeroes 简单
Count Primes 简单
Happy Number 简单
Rectangle Area 中等
Basic Calculator 困难
Number of Digit One 困难
Add Digits 简单
Ugly Number 简单
Ugly Number II 中等
Missing Number 简单
Perfect Squares 中等
Super Ugly Number 中等
Bulb Switcher 中等
Power of Three 简单
Mirror Reflection 中等
Prime Palindrome 中等
Add Two Numbers 中等
Stone Game 中等
Nth Magical Number 困难
Generate Random Point in a Circle 中等
Integer Break 中等
Projection Area of 3D Shapes 简单
Spiral Matrix III 中等
Super Egg Drop 困难
Surface Area of 3D Shapes 简单
Palindrome Number 简单
Water and Jug Problem 中等
Orderly Queue 困难
Numbers At Most N Given Digit Set 困难
Super Palindromes 困难
Valid Perfect Square 简单
Largest Divisible Subset 中等
X of a Kind in a Deck of Cards 简单
Sum of Subsequence Widths 困难

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